
Philip vonHohenfelsmilo

Accounting Administrator

I'm proud to serve SSBC as an accounting administrator. My background is in information management and service delivery. My dual background allows me to merge past experiences with new challenges in my role, constantly evolving and acquiring new skills. This blend of continuity and growth is what I love most about our industry.

Since joining Summit, I've found new avenues to apply myself and assist others in reaching their professional aspirations. The systems and methodologies at Summit have not only changed how I work but have also had a profound impact on my team and our clients. It's about transforming practices into outcomes that benefit everyone involved.

One of my greatest joys at Summit is witnessing a team that works collaboratively and supportively, fostering a positive and open environment. It's incredibly fulfilling to see professionals coming together, each contributing to a larger, shared goal with enthusiasm and dedication.

My professional journey spans across various sectors, including non-profit organizations, military, government, and retail, focusing on information management. Outside of work, people are often intrigued by my diverse professional and volunteer experiences. This eclectic background enriches my approach to every project and interaction, offering a unique perspective that is both broad and deep.